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Amazing Facts

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Men and Animals - 2

  1. Ants don't sleep. 
  2. Owls have eyeballs that are tubular in shape, because of this, they cannot move their eyes. 
  3. A bird requires more food in proportion to its size than a baby or a cat. 
  4. The mouse is the most common mammal in the US. 
  5. A newborn kangaroo is about 1 inch in length. 
  6. A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. 
  7. The Canary Islands were not named for a bird called a canary. They were named after a breed of large dogs. The latin name was Canariae insulae - "Island of Dogs." 
  8. There are 701 types of pure breed dogs. 
  9. A polecat is not a cat. It is a nocturnal European weasel. 
  10. Tapeworms range in size from about 0.04 inch to more than 50 feet in length. 
  11. A baby bat is called a pup.

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